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Page 7

  She was also the conduit of generations of Apache shaman magic. She made a mean tamale pie and had a temper as sharp as the knives she kept honed in my kitchen.

  Drake looked down at her without worry—big mistake.

  “The Nightwalker is under my protection,” Elena said. “And if that fire gets into my kitchen, my next dish will be roasted dragon wings.”

  Drake looked puzzled. “You would defend a Nightwalker? I’d thought he would be anathema to your people.”

  “I haven’t asked my people,” Elena said. “but he’s done no harm to me. Or to you. Dragons don’t care about how many humans Nightwalkers drain. You Firewalkers care about no one but yourselves.”

  I couldn’t have put it better myself. Drake pretending he wanted to kill Ansel to avenge human victims was a big, fat lie.

  “You have to give us more than that,” Mick said to him.

  Though Mick hadn’t spoken until now, he hadn’t let me go. I stood in the circle of his arms, his chest hard against my back.

  Mick wasn’t just being affectionate—he held me because he didn’t trust me around dragons, with good reason. My Beneath magic was clamoring to come out so I could whack Drake fifty feet backward. He was burning down my hotel, for the gods’ sake.

  “The Nightwalker has something I want,” Drake said impatiently.

  “What?” Mick asked.

  “He stole it, he and that woman. She doesn’t have it, so he must. Bring him to me.”

  Ansel had stolen something from the dragons? Ansel hadn’t mentioned dragons in his story about Laura and finding antiques for her, but then, Laura lived in Santa Fe, and the dragon compound on the cliffs near there probably had immeasurable treasure stored in it. Dragons liked to hoard.

  Mick let go of me, but it was to move me behind him so he could face Drake full on. “Unless you have proof, the Nightwalker is under my protection.”

  Drake started to growl. “Once you bring him out here, I will make him reveal where the object is. That will be proof enough.”

  Dragon logic. Then again, Ansel’s day sleep this morning had come upon him a little too conveniently. I seriously wanted to interrogate him myself.

  “Leave the Nightwalker to me,” Mick said. “If he has stolen something belonging to the dragons, I’ll let you know.”

  Fire danced in Drake’s hands, rage glittering in his eyes. “This is not your business Micalerianicum. I don’t care what kind of general you are, or how bravely you fought in the war. My task is to get the object back, and I intend to use any force at my disposal to do it.”

  Behind us, the firemen were struggling to put out the flames, arcs of water shooting into the sky. But dragon fire burns ten times hotter than a normal fire, and there would be no saving my hotel.

  “Mick,” I said, forcing my voice to be calm. “Please, let me kill him.”

  “Bring me the Nightwalker,” Drake repeated with more force. “And I’ll spare the rest of your abode. That’s all you have to do.”

  I stepped out from behind Mick. “Do the words fuck you mean anything to you?”

  Drake’s eyes burned red, and a big ball of fire danced between his hands. He tilted back his head and shouted a word into the night.

  I had no idea what he said, but Mick apparently did. He was past me, going for Drake before I could draw a breath.

  Drake threw the fire at him. I yelped, but the fire hit a wall of flame that Mick had thrown up in front of him. Drake’s fire struck Mick’s wall and flowed harmlessly around him, leaving him untouched in a bubble in the middle.

  I grabbed Elena and pulled her well out of the way as Mick let fly his fire at Drake. Drake defended with his own flame wall, and then both dragon-men disappeared into fire and smoke, the inferno competing with the already wild one of my saloon.

  An orange-red missile zoomed out of the night from the east, coming in on us with swift precision. I recognized it as a dragon, and I knew which dragon, but instead of touching down, he headed for the hotel, rising above it in a cloud of darkness.

  The darkness hid him from the people below, but I the magical being could still see him. He hovered above the hotel proper, his dragon sides expanding as he drew a long breath.

  “Colby!” I screamed. “No!”

  Colby let out his breath. Fire belched out of his mouth, streaming through the blackness of the night, aimed directly at the main part of the hotel.

  My hard work, the year and a half of my life, the place I’d carved out for myself, was about to be swallowed by dragon flame.

  Elena reached out her plump and work-worn hand, skin covered with little burns and nicks from her work in the kitchen. She chanted a word under her breath.

  As I watched in astonishment, a glassy light flowed up from the base of my hotel and oozed around it. Colby’s fire met the glasslike bubble around the hotel walls and dispersed.

  Elena’s face, touched by the firelight, was calm, even serene. If I’d performed that feat, I’d be panting and exhausted, crazed with power and trying to stop myself blasting Colby out of the sky so he’d fall on Drake.

  Colby somersaulted in midair and came for us, dragon wings sending a hot wind to whip my long hair into my face. He landed out in the desert with another whap of dragon wings, and a dark mist obscured him.

  When the mist cleared, Colby the man was jogging toward us, his all-over inked body an interesting pattern in the darkness.

  I ran at him. “Colby, you—”

  Colby raised his big hands. “Before you start yelling at me, Janet, I’m bound by dragon law to obey that asshole for another five months. Drake gives me the command to flame your hotel, I flame your hotel. I’m a loaded gun, and he’s allowed to point me and shoot.”

  He’d stopped my words, but my anger didn’t die. “What the hell for? Why is he doing this?”

  “Because he wants that Nightwalker. Don’t ask me why—no one tells me a damn thing.”

  Colby was a big man, as all dragons were, his body tattooed all over, his hair as dark as his dragon eyes, though his human eyes were light blue. I was still boiling in rage, but Colby wrapped his big arms around me and lifted me off my feet in a crushing hug.

  “Janet, sweet baby, it’s been too long.”

  “Put me down, you idiot.”

  Colby thumped me back to the ground but didn’t let me go. “Hey, just because Micky and Drakey are battling it out doesn’t mean we can’t catch up on old times.”

  I struggled away from him, trying to see what was going on with Drake and Mick. They’d battled before, but Drake was formidable, and this time they were more evenly matched.

  Mick was punching Drake in the face behind the flames, which made me feel slightly better, but then Drake raked fiery hands down Mick’s chest, burning flesh.

  I couldn’t take it anymore. I reached down within myself to find my Beneath magic, but before I could touch the coil of gleeful power waiting for me, a gunshot sounded not ten feet away.

  I yelled and clapped my hands over my ears. Colby spun around, and even Elena jerked her attention from the hotel.

  Sheriff Nash Jones marched up the bank of the railroad bed. Red and blue lights flashed from the top of his new SUV, parked as close to the railroad as he could put it, white spotlights glaring through the night. The light glistened on his short black hair and also on the shotgun he carried in his hands.

  Nash said nothing to me, Elena, or Colby, but moved past us to the dragons. He slung his shotgun over his shoulder, reached right in through the fire, grabbed both men, and yanked them apart.

  Mick cut off his fire instantly as Nash let them go, but Drake shot out another flame to whirl around Nash. Not to kill him, I saw, but to try to drag him off his feet.

  The fire covered Nash all right, as he stood unmoving. Nash lit up like a halo, a being surrounded by St. Elmo’s fire. Then the flame imploded, rushed into the depths of Nash’s body, and winked out.

  Drake stared at him in astonishment then moved his gaze to
the shotgun Nash aimed directly at his chest.

  Chapter Seven

  Drake and Nash had met before, and neither had thought much of the other then. They were too much alike, dragon and man, both with sticks up their asses.

  Drake’s naked state didn’t faze Nash. Nash had once been the biggest Unbeliever in Hopi County, but during the past year or so, he’d become used to seeing grown men standing around unashamedly nude after they’d shifted. He held his shotgun steady, looking unwaveringly down its barrel at Drake.

  “Whatever is going on here, you don’t belong,” Nash said in a voice as sharp as winter wind. “Take yourself back to your big house in New Mexico, and don’t interfere in our business.”

  Colby barked a laugh. “Oh hey, I’m enjoying this.”

  “You too,” Nash said. “I don’t mind arresting both of you, so you can leave, or you can spend the night in my lockup.”

  “I want the Nightwalker.” Drake’s body was covered in bruises and burn marks, but the fight hadn’t defeated him. “He has stolen from us.”

  Mick said firmly, “And I’ll question him about it.” He was bruised from the fight as well, but barely breathing hard. “I told you, if he’s stolen from the dragon compound, I’ll bring back whatever he’s taken.”

  Drake did not like that at all. The stick wedged even higher in his butt, and his dark eyes went ice cold. Usually, Drake enjoyed letting minions do work for him—not that Mick was in any way a minion to Drake—and the fact that he didn’t want to delegate meant that Drake wasn’t too pleased for Mick to find out what Ansel had taken.

  Drake gave Mick an evil stare. “If he has it, you bring it to me. No one else. Understand?”

  “I’ll let you know what I find out,” Mick said evenly.

  Drake had to be satisfied with that. He turned his back on us and walked away, no goodbyes, no parting shots. His body faded into darkness, and from that darkness, a black dragon rose into the sky.

  Colby watched him go then turned back to me. “See you, Janet.” He balled his fists and tapped them to mine. “Don’t be a stranger. Please.”

  He jogged down the east side of the railroad bed in Drake’s wake, shrouded himself in darkness, then shot into the air as soon as he became dragon, winging his way after Drake. He was spellbound to Drake and the dragon compound by magic—he couldn’t simply fly off in the other direction.

  Nash shouldered his shotgun. “Where is Ansel?” he asked Mick. “If he did take something, he’ll have to relinquish it.”

  I didn’t answer, preferring Mick and me to take care of this, but Elena said, “He’s in his room in the basement. He’s hiding there.”

  “Elena,” I said in dismay. “I thought he was under your protection.”

  “He is.” Elena raised her hand again, and the magical barrier she’d put around the hotel receded and vanished. “But only from the Firewalkers. I don’t like Firewalkers, Mick excepted. I also don’t like thieves. Or Nightwalkers.”

  She started to walk away, but I stepped in front of her, a dangerous thing to do. “If you could protect against the flames, why didn’t you do it in the first place?”

  “I didn’t get a barrier in place in time when the dragon first flamed it,” she said, studying me calmly. “I was taken by surprise. And it’s a defensive shell, not a fire extinguisher. My magic isn’t all-encompassing.”

  Finished, Elena stepped around me, climbed back down the bank and walked away. The saloon fire was out now, defeated by more mundane means, white smoke drifting into the darkness.

  “Nash,” I began.

  Nash turned his gray-eyed stare at me. “Don’t piss me off, Janet. I’ve had a hell of a day, and it ends with me hearing your hotel is on fire.”

  “We took care of it,” I said.

  Nash studied the smoldering remains of my saloon. “Sure, I can see that. Now, I’m going in there to talk to Ansel.”

  Mick stepped in front of him. “I’d rather you didn’t.”

  Nash had come to respect Mick, one of the few people he did respect, but he didn’t waver. “I had a woman in my office today, hysterically claiming that her sister had been abducted and killed by a vampire. Now your dragon friend wants a piece of your Nightwalker, not to mention the dragon tries to burn him out. All that makes it my business.”

  Mick didn’t move. “If Ansel has stolen any dragon secrets, I’ll have to ask you to be bound to silence. There are things we can’t afford to have humans know.”

  “I’ll think about it.” Nash moved around him, his badge glinting in the starlight, and headed for the hotel without waiting for us.

  I didn’t like any of this, but no one had asked my opinion. My hotel had gotten fried, and Ansel was there on my sufferance, but did my dragon boyfriend or pain-in-my-ass sheriff think of any of that?

  Ahead of us, Nash broke into a run. After he paused step, Mick did too.

  I didn’t see what had startled them, but I figured it couldn’t be good, so I hurried after them. Mick could run like an Olympic sprinter, and he passed Nash and reached the hotel first, me panting to catch up.

  A crossbow bolt flew out of the darkness at the back door and thunked into Mick’s chest. Mick flinched from the blow but didn’t stop. I doubled my efforts and reached Mick in time to see him pull the long bolt from his chest and drop the blood-coated thing on the ground.

  The slayer who’d fired it stared at Mick in amazement, then he found Nash’s shotgun in his face. “Drop it,” Nash said in clipped tones.

  The crossbow followed the bolt to the dirt. The slayer—not Rory, but a new guy—raised his hands, then scowled when Nash twisted his arms behind his back and clipped handcuffs onto his wrists.

  “What are you doing?” the slayer asked in amazement.

  “Arresting you for assault with a deadly weapon,” Nash said.

  “I didn’t hurt the guy.” He jerked his chin at Mick who still stood upright, in spite of the bloodstained hole in his T-shirt.

  “It went pretty deep, actually,” Mick said. “I have to go.”

  I knew what he meant. Mick could withstand bad injuries, but only if he turned into a dragon to heal himself.

  Without further word, Mick kissed the top of my head and walked away from us, disappearing into the desert. I watched worriedly, but he vanished almost at once, and I turned my attention back to the slayer.

  “There’s a Nightwalker in there,” the slayer said. “Do you understand what that means? A vampire. He’ll suck you dry and crush your bones. You want him to get his teeth into this little lady here? He’ll rape her before he drains her. That’s what they do.”

  “She can handle herself,” Nash said dryly. “Assault and attempted murder are assault and attempted murder. I don’t give a crap whether it’s against a human being, a Nightwalker, or something in between. You have the right to a defense attorney. Good luck finding one who believes vampires are real.”

  The slayer looked outraged, as though he thought Nash should be on his side. Maybe law-enforcement officials elsewhere—the ones who believed in the supernatural, that is—did assist slayers, but this was Nash. He ran his county like Captain Bligh of the Bounty, and Nash hated vigilantes.

  Nash half pushed, half dragged the slayer across the gravel to his waiting SUV and shoved him into the back. Then he perched in the driver’s seat to call in the arrest or whatever, leaving me relatively alone.

  The slayer had left chalk marks on the doorframe, advertising his intent. I rubbed them off and went inside, leaving the door unlocked for Mick’s return.

  The stench of burned saloon was sharp, but the hall and my private rooms held no smoke. Maybe Elena’s shield had kept out the smoke, maybe the solid wall between the saloon and hotel had. Whichever, I was grateful.

  I went into the bathroom and washed my hands, surprised but thankful the water was still on. The saloon ran on a different set of pipes, but I wouldn’t know the extent of the plumbing damage until Fremont went over it.

he mirror reflected my face smeared with dirt and blood, a hunk of hair singed where I hadn’t leapt away from Drake and Mick’s fire battle fast enough.

  I touched the mirror with one damp finger. “Are you all right in there?”

  No answer. No wailing or dramatic moaning, no screeching obscenities. The mirror might have gone dormant to preserve itself, or it might be sulking.

  I dried my hands, caught up one of my lantern flashlights, and went to check on my next patient. The firemen were moving around the saloon, and my guests were still out front—the firemen wouldn’t dare let them back in until they were certain all was well.

  No one saw me slip through the dark doorway marked “Private” that led to the basement. I didn’t flip on the light as I went down, fearing to short out something and start another fire.

  I used the flashlight to make my way down the stairs to the basement, a place which never failed to give me the creeps. We’d cleaned it out and repaired it after the last fiasco, putting in fresh drywall over the brick and studs. Maya and I had painted it a nice ivory that went well with the brick floors. It still gave me the creeps.

  One room down here was for maintenance—the generators, water heaters, circuit breakers, and so forth. A smaller room in the very back was locked with a padlock. Elena, Mick, I, and no one else had the keys. Behind that door lay a pool of very powerful magic—shaman magic had been poured into it and built up over generations. I had no idea why an ordinary door, purchased at a hardware store in Winslow, would keep it contained, but Elena had assured me that this was the case.

  The third door, on the other side of the large open area at the base of the stairs, now contained Ansel’s bedroom. I walked to it, shining my flashlight into the corners. Though Mick and I had warded this place well—and I could see the faint shimmer of our marks on every beam—I knew better than to let down my guard.

  “Ansel?” I called before I reached his door. “Everything should be all right now, but I need to talk to you.”

  No answer. I opened the door, finding the light on—so the electricity did still work. I’d taken one step inside before I realized that I’d just made a big, big mistake.